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2022 Juneteenth Celebration
(Schenley Park Skating Rink)

Juneteenth New Flyer.png

RSCP Skate Rentals

Juneteenth RSCP Rental Skates.JPG
Juneteenth DeeDee and Heather.JPG

Wicked SkateWear

Juneteenth Wicked Table.JPG

United Black Book Clubs of Pittsburgh

Homewood Library, May 11, 2018


The focus this year was S.T.E.A.M. at their Family Maker Space Event


(Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math)

In many schools today, STEAM is an educational approach that integrates arts, innovation, and design into STEM education, and STEAM curriculum and activities are cross-disciplinary and project-based. STEAM lessons encourage students to explore the world around them, develop and create innovative solutions to problems, think deeply, work collaboratively, and communicate their results.


Roller SK8 Connection of Pittsburgh, Inc. comes to your facility to encourage our student skaters to stay interested in education, health and wellness by helping them realize that science, technology, engineering, art and math extend outside of the "classroom" in every aspect of their life, and often in very fun and creative ways....our instruction is "Quad Roller Skating" and how it correlates with STEAM!

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